Finally! No more snow, frigid temperatures and having to wear jackets all the time. From where I live, the weather is really great and it’s nice to take my puppy on a walk in the morning. So this topic was perfect with most of the world becoming warmer and the central for ice cream, swimming, bonfires, etc. So here’s 5 books that just remind me of summer; a couple I do count as “essential” summer reads, but the rest I’ve read at different times 🙂

1. the gold seer trilogy


I listened to this first book in this beautiful trilogy in the summer of last year while on vacation. It’s set during frontier America at the height of the Gold Rush, and young Leah Westfall takes the dangerous journey across American west. It’s rich writing style, wonderful characters and summer setting is perfect to read this time of year. Horses running across meadows, fishing for water in the river and fires at night under starry skies make it perfect.

2. once and for all by sarah dessen


I’m slightly cheating, since this book isn’t out yet. But reading this sample made me want to go the beach, make smores and be outside all day. Set in the fun and chaotic world of summer planning, I loved reading about flowers, outside receptions and warm temperatures. This is my first experience of Sarah Dessen and I can’t wait for the rest! I feel like you can’t resist this summery contemporary with lots of wedding, flowers and romance.

3. an ember in the ashes by sabaa tahir


Another book I listened to and loved in summer time. This debut novel, set in a vast desert with violence, revolution and looming dark magic makes this a perfect  summer read! Easy writing, great characters and a plot just waiting to swallow you whole. Don’t pick up that trashy romance novel on the beach! Grab this intense and addictive first book 🙂

4. orange manga series


Summer festivals, playing sports and growing friendships remind me of summer quite a lot. I always found every chance to hang out with friends and enjoy time away from school. This manga series is perfect for people who want to marathon two bind ups of this entire series. It centers around a group of friends who receive letters from their future selves, warning that they need to save the new boy in their class. What follows is an adorable romance, meaningful friendships and plenty of cuteness 🙂

5. the reckoners trilogy by brandon sanderson


During the summer season, a lot of superhero movies come out and make people flood to the cool theaters and escape to fun, action movies. Why not do that with a fun trilogy? Brandon Sanderson crafts a story about a huge red star appearing in the sky and giving some people super powers. But as time goes on, these gifted people become villains known as Epics. David, our main man, teams with a group called The Reckoners, who take down epics. It’s filled to the brim with action, bad metaphors, fun characters and many superpowers. If you normally marathon series during the summer, or have a younger sibling who needs something to read, give this a shot 🙂

Here’s my list! I wasn’t sure how I could pull this topic off, but thank Goodreads for tracking all your stuff. I hope you guys enjoyed this and let me know what books remind you of summer of your “essential” summer reads. Have a great day and enjoy the warmer weather!

On a side note, here’s a picture of my puppy Leo:

My 5 month old puppy Leo