It’s time for the next Medieval-a-Thon! This was started last year by Holly over on booktube. She started this read-a-thon last year and it runs for the whole month! Last year it was in July, but this year it’s going to run the entire month of May and she’s added new stuff. I thought this was a really fun read-a-thon last year and I did better than I expected so I want to do as well, if not better, this year. You can also check out the Medieval-a-Thon Twitter page for the graphics, prompts, etc. that will be posted 🙂 Let’s jump into my TBR!

(Pictures are taken from the Twitter page and all credit goes to Holly)

*NOTE: You cannot double up on challenges for this read-a-thon







Challenges I Have Picked:


1. A book with your favorite color on the cover:

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Not only is blue one of my favorite colors, this needs to be read lol! It’s supposed to be under 350 pages so this should be an easy one to do! This is an upcoming standalone YA book that deals with cloning and other sci-fi/STEM stuff. It follows an overachiever who goes to Life2 and gets cloned. I’ve really been into YA sci-fi right now so this will help my current obsession.

2. Start or finish a duology:


This is the final book in the Blood of Stars duology! I loved Spin the Dawn so much that I’m dying to see how this ends! I haven’t been great at finishing duologies of late so it’ll feel good to not only complete another ARC but also finish a duology 🙂 I always appreciate multitasking like that lol.

3. A romance:


This is an older YA book that’s a Scarlet Pimpernel retelling. It came out 5 years ago this year and I’ve had this on my Kindle forever. I only started the first 5 pages in late April so I want to finish this during the read-a-thon. This does have a romance but there’s more to it I’m sure. I really like the Scarlet Pimpernel story so I really hope I like this one 🙂

4.  A book you have HIGH expectations for:


This is a no brainer guys! After loving head over heels for these characters and this series, I have serious expectations for this sequel. Especially since I was floored by how awesome Gemina by these two was when it comes to a second book. While these are separate series, I still hope this deliver more of my moody, hot space elf and more great action. I’ve got the audio book pre-ordered and waiting for the second I can download it.

5. A book with orange on the dust jacket:

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I’m stretching this a tiny but the letters on this cover have a light orange on them so I’m counting it lol. (Not being able to double up is hard) But this another ARC that’s high on my “need to complete” list. This is an upcoming YA Fantasy about soul magic and female friendship and I’m SO here for it!


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These three extra books could possibly fit in a challenge somewhere, but if not, it’ll help my overall rank with the number of books I read lol. Most of my TBR for May is getting through my June releases so I’m pleased that some of them fit the challenges. I need these 3 to get done in May, so we’ll see what challenges I finish and what my final rank will be lol.


Are you participating in this read-a-thon? If so, what are you going to read? Let me know in the comments!