It’s that time again to start purging more series off the TBR! I like doing these posts because they’re fun and they highlight more series that you won’t finish. I think it’s important to talk about why you won’t finish them. If you missed my first one, it’s here:

Series I Won’t Finish #1

Now some of these books are ones I DNF’d before I started my blog. But since people still recommend these series to me, and with respective sequels coming out or got announced, I think this is fitting. These aren’t in any order. I am counting the books that are series openers that I DNF’d. If there’s reasons why I didn’t finish the first one, that speaks pretty well to why I won’t read the other books. If you love these books, that’s totally cool. But you know me, I don’t like everything I read. So here we go!

1. Sweet Black Waves trilogy


This one came out recently but I was able to get it from NetGalley and it was disappointing. While it had a cool idea of being a reimaging of the Tristan and Iseult legend, this was boring for me. There was too much dialogue (way too dramatic I might add) and I never felt like the plot moved along. I also think the main character started accepting ideas she had deemed silly way too quickly. After reading about 30%, I had enough with the too angsty thoughts and dialogue and not seeing the magical elements enough.

2. Ash Princess trilogy


I didn’t know an actual review for this book because I had only read 100 pages and didn’t have enough to say to merit a DNF review. I agree with many people that this story is: way too similar to other titles, boring first person POV that never felt believable, foresight of a bad love triangle and the writing didn’t engage me at all. I already don’t like first person POV much anyway (there’s a few that do it well), but even if the hints of the magic and politics doesn’t grab me, then I give up. It’s a pretty cover, but for me, it wasn’t a fun story inside.

3. Ace of Shades series


I read this for a blog tour back in early April and this wasn’t fun. The whole casino island the main character went to never interested me. I also never cared why she had to look for her mother; I never got enough background to feel it was important. I also think the romance between her and Levi was very forced and they were also boring characters. Even the author couldn’t explain her magic system well either; the name of the ability and what the ability was don’t correlate or made sense. Because of this now, I’m not interested in reading other books by  her.

4. Seraphina series


I listened to this middle grade book last year and while it was a nice listen, I’m not keen to continue. I don’t middle grade if at all anymore. If I have a kid someday and they want me to read it to them, then I will. But since I’m not drawn to most middle grade (I do want to give a couple a try), this series isn’t on my radar anymore.

5. Gold Seer trilogy


I was sad when I finally decided to end this trilogy. I had listened to half of the final book on audio and it was unnecessary and boring. The small important details about Leah were not the focus on the final novel, which felt like a disservice to what was set up already. My friend also read this trilogy and thought the same thing. The final book is not needed to be honest. You can read the first two books and stop there, which is bad to say for a trilogy.

6. Wintersong and Shadowsong


After months of never wanting to pick up the final book, I have decided to not finish this duology. I like many of the ideas presented in the first book, but I do NOT like being in Liesel’s head. I would have liked to have seen a multiple POV or third person POV for the narrative. She is very unlikable and even the almost idealization of suicide that’s been brought up in book 2 through reviews also turned me off. I also feel like the story loses focus a lot and I heard that happens a lot in the sequel. I think it, with some editing, it could’ve been just one long book and be done after that. I also heard that the Goblin King’s role is diminished in the final book and that was the final nail in the coffin.

7. Lunar Chronicles


I did have to think about this one for a while, but I’ve decided that I don’t want to finish this series. I liked Cinder fine, did not care for Scarlet, really enjoyed Cress but then my interest wavered. I have co-workers who finished the series and said that Winter and the extra books Fairest and Stars Above weren’t worth reading. They said that 850 pages was way too long and that the finale of battling with Leavana left more to be desired. I also felt like the plot and villain were juvenile compared to my tastes. So while I’ll try her Renegades series, this fairy tale series isn’t for me.

What series will you not finish? What do you think of this list? Do you agree or disagree?